At St Matthew’s our students are immersed in the distinct yet complementary dimensions of Religious Education as pictured below:

At St Matthew’s, the Vision for Religious Education challenges students to be a religious voice in the world.
Teaching and Learning in Religion
Through the school program of Religious Education at St Matthew’s, staff aim to develop the religious literacy of students in light of the Catholic Christian tradition, so that they might participate critically and authentically in contemporary culture.
At our school, we aim to develop the students’ knowledge, skills and dispositions to interpret and use language confidently in and for faith contexts and the wider society develop ways of talking, acting, creating, communicating, critiquing, evaluating, participating, ritualising, theologising, worshipping, reading, reflecting, and writing with others so that students can interact in a variety of religious and secular contexts. (Shape of Religious Education, 2013)
![Promo 1828875-[520096].jpg](/catholic-identity/PublishingImages/Pages/Religious-Education/Promo%201828875-[520096].jpg)
Students participate in explicit classroom learning experiences about religion from Prep. The BCE Religion Curriculum consists of four interrelated strands: Sacred Texts, Beliefs, Church and Christian Life.
The Religion Curriculum is aligned with the Australian Curriculum and is taught, assessed, and reported on in the same way.
Further details regarding the Religion Curriculum can be located through the following resources:
Scope and Sequence
The Religious Life of the School
Faith is celebrated and shared through the Religious Life of the School. Students, staff and families have regular opportunities to gather together to pray and to take active leadership roles in these experiences. Each class participates in daily prayer and we regularly gather as a whole school community to pray.
Students are exposed to a variety of prayer and formation experiences. Our student-led Prayer Team plan workshops and activities to connect our community to the Catholic faith tradition that all families and community members are invited to. This team also lead daily prayer throughout the school.
We live our faith by showing Gospel values in our relationships and social justice initiatives. Following the example of Jesus and St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, we aspire to realise God's plan that people help each other to live safely and happily together for the goodness of all. Our student-led Catholic Identity Crew lead our school initiatives to help those in need locally and globally. The St Matthew’s community also values and respects diversity and promotes sustainable practises to care for the environment, our common home.
In partnership with our Parish, we gather regularly for Mass to celebrate in the church. All families are invited to join in these moments of prayer. Preparation for students to receive the Sacraments of Initiation is co-ordinated by the parish and students are supported in their preparation by the school.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Matthew's Catholic Primary School (2023)
© Brisbane Catholic Education, (2023)