Application for Enrolment Online
Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at St Matthew’s Primary School. Please find the link below to your child’s online application for enrolment.
You will need to click on the link, enter and review the required details, complete and submit the form.
If applying for enrolment for more than one student, when the form is completed, there will be an option available to submit another enrolment for each additional student.
Please contact us directly should you experience any difficulty completing the online application for enrolment.
Click here to access our Online Enrolment Application form.
In addition to the completed online application for your child, you will need to submit copies of the following supporting documents:
Birth certificate
Baptismal certificate (if baptised)
Latest School Report
Any medical or learning reports
and if noted on your application:
Documentation may be submitted to us via:
- In person: 172-180 Bryants Road, Cornubia 4130
Please note submission of an application does not guarantee an enrolment place. Enrolment applications will not be processed until all documentary requirements have been completed. Failure to complete these requirements may delay or affect the acceptance of the application. Should it be necessary to limit the intake of pupils to St Matthew’s School, then preference will be in the order as outlined in the St Matthew’s enrolment policy and procedure.
What Happens Next?
After lodging an Enrolment Application, parents will be invited to attend an enrolment interview. It is important that your child or children who are enrolling attend this interview.
Should your application be successful an acceptance of enrolment form will be supplied to you. You are asked to complete this form giving careful consideration to the obligations regarding school fees and accepting school policies and supporting the school’s ethos. Please note your enrolment is not finished until this acceptance form is returned to the school office and deposit of $100 is paid to St Matthew’s School.
If you have any queries at all, please contact the school office on 3209 6155